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Interactivity draws many users to a site and by allowing your users to post messages back and forth you can keep them coming back. This helps you improve your site and lets you know what your users are thinking. Your web board provides a simple way to do all this.

Setting up a Web Board
You will need to activate your Web Board by logging into your Site Manager, scrolling down the page and clicking on the "Web Board" link. You will then be taken to a page where you can either activate or edit your web board. You have several options for your web board:
  1. Number of posts out of 500 possible: this tells you how many messages you have. When you are close to the maximum number of files allowed, you should use the pruning option.
  2. Name of your Web Board: this will be the name used on the webboard pages and as your web board's title.
  3. Background Color: this will be used as the background for all your webboard pages.
  4. Background Image: this will be used as the background image for all your webboard pages.
  5. Text Color: this will be used as the standard text color on all webboard pages.
  6. Link Color: this will be used as the standard link color on all web board pages.
  7. Visited Link Color: this will be used as the standard visited link color on all web board pages.
  8. Header html: this allows you to add any desired html to the top of all web board related web pages.
  9. Footer html: this allows you to add any desired html to the bottom of all web board related web pages.

WWW Board Main Setup  

Once your web board has been created, you can link your pages to it and encourage visitors. On your web board, users can post messages and reply to them, allowing people to communicate back and forth. Please note that these messages may count as part of your web site space so delete old ones if necessary.

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Admin Features
Your Web Board has several admin features that allow you to delete single posts or entire threads. To use this feature simply go to the Web Board section of your Site Manager (as explained above) and scroll to the end of the page. There you will see your Web Board Administration section with several options:
  • Thread Order - allows you to remove threads by their normal listing order.
  • Posted Order - allows you to remove threads by their posting date.
  • Date - allows you to remove threads by their creation date.
  • Author - allows you to remove threads by their author.

Select the option you wish to use to list messages for deletion and click the "Select" button. 

On the next page you will be presented with your chosen list:

[WWW Board admin image]

This list will enable you to delete either an entire thread or individual messages.

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